
November 02, 2003 @ 12:17 p.m.
the last letter

the last letter from lily:

***lily says***

Okay, well seeing how i havent had time to *check* my e-mail lately... then you can deduce the fact that I couldnt have written you back. Anyways... I dont know what to say to all that you've accused me with.. you wanna talk about someone accusing someone of something.. but whatever. I think we both need time to sort our lives out. And I dont want an e-mail everyday that trashes me or my friends. So, when you get your life in order... feel free to contact me again. Because frankly, I dont want to hear your sob stories... Im sorry that you have to go through all that you are, and im sorry that you feel as though im against you in any way. �But I think you need to be woman enough to grow up and through this because no one is going to do it for you, not again. So I suggest that you start acting like you're 20 and rethink this past year and hopefully realize that it hasnt been the best but it doesnt have to affect you for the rest of your life.

***my reply***

and obviously, you think that i am not trying to get my life in order. either way, i dont care. i am sick of false friends. believe what you want to believe. i just discovered that my abilities to make false friends is unbelieveably strong. almost every friend i have made since i have been out here is or has turned out to be a pathetic excuse for a "friend." and i just dont care anymore. one of my sob stories??? hahaha. thats really great. i have a jacked up life, but i dont need you, or anybody else to tell me what to do or to "get me through it." i have made it through worse, as you already know, and i have come out on top. and i will again. God looks out for me. he knows that i have a knack for making false friends, but yet he still looks out for me. i have a lot to look foward to right now, and by you telling me to "get my life together," it makes me realize just how happy i am. i have friends, i have a job, and i have a great future to look foward to. i suppose that you wouldnt know that though, since you have "dropped me like a bad habit." oh, and as for that little statement... "maybe in the future you and i can be friends again." yeah right. sorry, but the LAST thing i need is another "friend" to drop out on my life when i need them the most, and then mysteriously pop back up when everything is good again. sorry, but that is not a friend. a friend is someone who is there through everything no matter what. so whatever. btw, i DO NOT need an inexperienced teenager to lecture me about getting my life together. especially one that bases her friendships on rumors told by a woman that is clearly desperate to make herself look better. i have lived through worse than you, and i am still not thinking about suicide or anything silly like that, and i dont stand at my boyfriend's door and scream my head off when we get into a fight, so why dont YOU grow up and sort your own life out before you start telling someone that has been through more than most 25 year olds have how to live. thank you.

like i am patheti enough to write a "friend" such as this EVERYDAY. i have better things to do with my life. i cant believe my unbelieveable ability to make such pathetic "friends." i wish i could just sit somewhere and write my story. ugh. what do you guys think? good friend? nah.

This is kinda funny, no?

<> !*''# ^"`$$- !*=@$_ %*<> ~#4 &[]../ |{,,SYSTEM HALTED The poem can only be appreciated by reading it aloud, to wit: Waka waka bang splat tick tick hash, Caret quote back-tick dollar dollar dash, Bang splat equal at dollar under-score, Percent splat waka waka tilde number four, Ampersand bracket bracket dot dot slash, Vertical-bar curly-bracket comma comma CRASH.

this is HELLA funny! lol

In the last month of last year a world wide survey was conducted by the UN. The only question asked was: "Would you please give your honest opinion about solutions to the food shortage in the rest of the world?" The survey was a huge failure .... In Africa they didn't know what "food" meant. In Eastern Europe they didn't know what "honest" meant. In Western Europe they didn't know what "shortage" meant. In China they didn't know what "opinion" meant. In the Middle East they didn't know what "solution" meant. In South America they didn't know what "please" meant. In the USA they didn't know what "the rest of the world" meant.

HAHAHAHAHAHA. great, aint it?


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