
May 01, 2003 @ 7:38 a.m.

*sigh* i cant stand some of the people in this school... so i was pissed yesterday about my grades, and mr. genter (my biology teacher) made us do this worksheet that no-one else got finished with, in 20 minutes. so cat (this bitch) turns around and tells me to shut up. i was about to knock her right upside the head. i am going to go apologize to him for calling him a hypocrite (not spelled right) and see what he does. he will probably be rude. nothing unusual!

In other news, keith and i are going to see x-men 2 tomorrow at 7:30. i cant wait! and i need to start eating healthier, and cut down on the carbs- ACK! so much to do, so little time!!! oh well! 20 days! I LOVE LINKIN PARK! "...sometimes i need you to stay away from me..." you've got to get the new one; meteora! greta stuff! gotta go! baibai!!!!!!!!!

*preventry* *nextentry*


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