
May 13, 2003 @ 7:55 a.m.

And his mom strikes, yet again.....

thats not fair! why cant he do it AFTER i go to work? is that HER doing? it is also a total waste of gas. no. this is ridiculous. everytime he even so much as THINKS of taking the car out, his mom whines about him wasting gas, and now all of a sudden he can take me home, go home, come BACK to my house, take me to work, and then go home. no way. and i have to work; i want to see him before i work, not sit in a house all alone... she can get over it. I am so sick of her and her ridiculous little jealousy games. besides, i am sick. me wants a bay. and not to be rude, but what will TIM be doing??? why cant HE do ANYTHING??????? at the slightest sign of trouble, he gives up and keith is forced to take over his assignment. this all just another way for her to get us away from one another. i mean, for the last two months i bet she has been beside herself with happiness; she has had SO MANY excuses to keep him locked away. let's see.... mow the lawn, too many miles on your car, too much gas, paint the deck, move boxes, help pack, do homework, study, go to mount gilliard so that he can be made as miserable as possible, move mulch, paint walls, clean out the litter box, take out the trash, do the laundry, vacuum,...... am i missing anything? probably........

she is making life impossible. and he is just letting her walk all over him while our relationship pays the price. she is deliberatly sabotaging it, and i am on the verge of screaming. at the slightest sign of HER whining, he jumps and serves her hand and foot, but i am left alone, and it is hurting me. and not to mention tim. ugh. what the hell is this? lets play favorites and show TIM that he can have what keith CANT have because he is a suck up. is that her game? well i will tell you something; she and i are never get along if this keeps up. and if she continues this, she will never be allowed over to our house whe we are older. and i WONT pay for her stay; she will. i am sorry but i am tired of the games. can u blame me?

Ugh..... This is really beginning to get on my nerves. and i need a vent. every time i turn around its "keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get AWAY FROM JAMIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i mean, she calls me at work to ask me where he is; ACK! i was about to SCREAM!is she TRYING to get me fired? yes, i let keith cal, but i ASK him to call, i dont want her calling my house, my work, or ANYTHING! and whats really annoying is the fact that everyone keeps saying that i HAVE to deal with it; well in that case, i am just going to say whatever i feel. I am tired of this crap. *sigh*

*preventry* *nextentry*


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