
May 27, 2003 @ 9:45 a.m.

so yeah!!! i am graduating in .......5 FREAKIN DAYZ! and kira is coming here on saturday! yay! and then i am going back with her on monday! but bay is sad.... i feel kinda bad for leaving him, and i am going to miss him like a nut, but this will be good for us. and i really want to go. i just hope he knows that i will love him just as much from there, and it will make it twice as good to see him! he is coming out there to pick me up! i cant wait... but we have to find a way to get around his mother. it should be easy. my mom and dad are being so annoying.... dad wont answer my email, and my mom is being rude- as usual... well i have to go! baibai!

*preventry* *nextentry*


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