
July 17, 2003 @ 3:55 p.m.

I got in a crash and,no, it was not at all my fault; i didnt even get ticketed for it. we (keith and i) were on a very narrow two lane road and i was driving around a curve. some moron was coming head on at me, about a foot in my lane, and wasnt going back, so i swerved to miss him and, low and behold, a guy just so happened to be standing in his yard mowing his lawn, and i hit him, went into a ditch, and almost hit a tree, but keith stopped me. (thank God for that). then i freaked out and jumped out of the car and ran up to the guy, who was staring at me as if i had lost my mind, and holding his head which was bleeding. he could walk and talk, and all he needed was stitches. they released him from that hospital that same night. the guy that ran me off the road got away (the jerk). the worst part is that i had gotten my liscence the day before. a lot of people said that had i hit that car, both keith and i would, most likely, be dead right now. and i know that God is great because the guy i hit just so happens to be an old friend of one of my church friends (dan; he's about 36) and is a very.... nice guy from what i have heard. but kelly, although even the police officer said he would have done EXACTLY what i did, still practically faints at the thought of me driving. it makes me so mad!

i talked to my ex. so as far as i am concerned, we are no longer fighting and definately NOT attracted to each other in ANY shape or form. LOL. you know, i love talking to poeple, so im me. my AIM name is:PhilosylPhairi.

*preventry* *nextentry*


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