
July 03, 2003 @ 3:28 p.m.

I love Nag Champa... it is so kewl. I am having a bad day. i feel so... out. i failed my driver's test 3 times in a row. I would assume that God just doesn't want me to have it yet. But i still feel stupid. And then Bay and i hung out today. i cried again. i feel like i have let him down and i am not good enough for him. I hate it. I feel like i upset him all the time. i want to throw up. i just want to cry all my problems away, but i know that that is not possible. and kelly...... the lady i live with.... i feel like she is upset with me. I HATE MY FREAKIN FEELINGS.

i hate the DMV. first, i didnt know that i could pull into the other lane to make my 3 point turn, and then i didnt back up straight. FAILED. the second time, i didnt look both ways on the tracks and i used my mirrors to back up.... who cares how i did it as long as i did it right?!? FAILED. the third time i got this bald headed bitch; kelly had to sit because she cant walk a lot; she has a disability. i parked a little further away from the cars then anyone else, and she starts bitching about it and practically accussing me of lying about kelly's disability. i was like, get over it you stupid fat bald-headed whore. then she said that i didnt look out my back window when i did my 3 point turn. FAILED. but i didnt actually say that. lol. but i will have a word with her later. ugh. well i will write again later.

*preventry* *nextentry*


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