
August 04, 2003 @ 10:30 a.m.

WELL DAMN! sorry that it has been taking so long to update. keith (bay) and i went to carowins on saturday, and it was SO MUCH FUN! we went from open to close and we went on the roller coasters, and the waterslides. bay hates water, so i was a little scared that he would get grumpy. he didnt. lol. i love my bay. we went on thunder road a lot. i loved it! i threw my arms up and poor bay clung to me. hehehe. he is so cute; we went on top gun (a roller coaster...THE BEST!). we also went on drop zone which almost made me puke. its one of those rides that drop you from about 15 stories.... ugh.... talk about tummy's tingling. whew! i am over at my neighbors house and they have a dog named bunny who KEEPS FARTING! ugh! that is so gross! anyways... wake tech is going to pay me back for my classes... thank God. and i got a JOB! as a waitress! i have never done this before so i am a little ricketty.... heh. i just pray that i dont drop any trays..... lol. my band teacher was a waiter in college and he dropped a whole chicken in some lady's purse. she laughed though. *sigh* yes i know that i am boring. i have been reading carries diary lately.... she reminds me of me when i was younger..... it makes me kinda sad. i used to be so suicidal and crazy, and now i have grown up into a young lady. its unbelieveable. i might even *gasp* dress "maturely." eek. bay started doing that and now i am. i thought he was going nuts. but then we realize the horrible truth; we're growing up. our water heater is malfunctioning.... that sucks.... i WISH that people would go to my debate journal. it is Polissues.diaryland.com and no one has been to it... *cries* oh well. tonight is my first night waitressing alone. wish me luck. but i have to go and pick up my best friend's birthday present at the mall. tata.

*preventry* *nextentry*


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