
November 01, 2003 @ 10:51 a.m.

OMFG! i am so sick of people! why do people become anti social? because of this sick sad world. i just hate people. today tomorrow; always. i HATE people and their ignorant unpredictable ways. i know that you want to hear what i am bitching about this time. well maybe not, but here goes...

1) i am SO SICK of the damned people that i work with. laquanda is such a big fat bitch. i love my bebe, and i was telling robbie about him because he said that he thought he might know him, and so i brought out this cute lil' pic of him whne he accidently dyed his hair orange, and she looked at it and said, "he' ugly. he shouldnt exist." i was like "you fat whore." look at your sorry ass excuse for a 'man.' look at YOU. you are 19, pregnant, and not in college. your 'man' tells you that he will do things like bring you food in 30 minutes, and he doesnt show up for 5 hours. can you say 'loser?' and then, when he does show up, and you comment on his being late, he tells you to 'shut the f**k up.' you say you are getting married, and you act like a giddy little school girl. you make your 'man' work two jobs to give you everything that you want, like designer clothes and expensive cars, manicures and pedicures, and anything else that your heart desires while you spend your money on YOURSELF as well. how very selfish. not to mention, you look like a fat bowling ball. and then you call me stupid? oh really? ugh. i hate it when people are mean to me. i asked her yesterday why she hated me so much, and she says "oh your just one of those people that i dont like." wtf? and this is a christian person. judgement day, anyone? AHHH!

2) tasha is so rude to me and treats me like a little moron.

I just WISH people would get to know me before they decide that i am stupid. they dont know me and they dont know shit about my life. so F**K THEM. ugh. it just gets so tiring.

and then LILY. oh boy this is just great. some "best friend" eh? she wont even talk to me about this crap. BACKSTABBER. my life has been filled with backstabbers and jerks ever since i left california. lets see...

*kerri- decided that any guy she liked, no one else could like. she liked every guy she saw!

*jj- uses me for my car and treats me like crap, and then puts a move on me when i have a boyfriend.

*tristan- lets see, tells me all kinds of crap. i dont care anymore, but then he HIT me. uh, no.

*brian- is only nice to me when he wants something. tries to hack my computer. treats me like crap and calls me names when i need him the most.

*kelly- pretends to be all nice to me, but then turns on me and does all kinds of crap to me such as spread vicious rumors and try to break bay and i up by telling his mother a lie.

*lily- pretends to be my best friend and then listens to everyone of kelly's lies and claims that she "knows the truth now" and decides to ignore me

*holly- tells kelly lies that make her think that i lied about staying at keith's. gets me kicked out of kelly's

i need a vacation.

not to mention my mom and scott. they are not backstabbers, but i do not need him to egg my mother and her annoying habits on. thats the LAST thing i need.

the only person that hasnt tried to screw me over is keith. that is why i love him so much; i will treat him so well. when we are married, i will give him everything a great man like him deserves. i hope i am now too. i just... i know that i am being dumb... ugh, why cant i just SIT for a few and concentrate. i HATE silence. thats why. UGH. whats WRONG with me. i cant do anything right. UGH UGH UGH. i have another chance though; i can still do well this semester. thanks alot kelly, for kicking me out right before college. that was very nice of you. now my grades are suffering because of it. whatever.

my car is being a royal pain is the butt. it just refuses to start half the time. i dont know what is wrong with it, but it isnt good. then my mom tells me to go buy cloths, and when i do, she tells me that my priorities are all messed up. *sigh* she does that to me all the time. tells me to do something and when i do, tells me that it was a dumb thing to do. that is prolly why i am so messed up. because she cant be decisive. i wish i was like joan of arcadia, where God would just TELL me what to do instead of make me decide. i dunno. then i might not like life. I JUST WANT TO BE HAPPY. UGHHHH! i am just going to stop listening to her. thats all. shes so dumb sometimes. the other day i had put up these icicle lights in my room, and we got into this huge arguement about why i should be able to keep them up there, and she wouldnt shut up her yelling, so i went in there to take them down, and she yells at me that if i take them down, i am going to kicked out. WTF?!? damned if i do, damned if i dont. i hope keith come closer to me. i want to go to emerald isle for a while. i am not sure when. i dunno if i can drive there but.... oh well. i dont think i should. car will prolly die. whatever. i need to go work on my research paper; yay. byebye.


*preventry* *nextentry*


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