
November 07, 2003 @ 7:42 p.m.
MY DOLL! Thank you bay!!!

I am sitting here listening to music. my bebe is playing it over the phone for me. its very pretty.

i am really not happy right now. i signed up and paid for a gold membership and i havent gotten to enjoy it yet. i have eaten one whole pizza.... a small one. i am very very depressed. bay ws supposed to come up here to see me this weekend, and we had to cancel that because we are scared that his tires may give out if he drives too much on them. this should have been taken care of by his mom this summer, but she procrastinated and now, as usual, our wants are paying the price. i garuntee that she wont be all too happy about letting me come over for thanksgiving, if she does at all. i am tired and i dont know why.

on the good side of things, i was approved a college loan of $2,625, which is truely awesome. i really need that money. and i signed up for 4 classes; philosophy, religion, math, english. yay. lol. i am actually excited. it will keep me busy and somewhat away from all the pain that i have to go through right now with keith being gone and all. it hurts so bad. i just wish that he would stay here in my arms for the rest of our lives. i am so happy with him!

i burned the living crap out of my finger the other day. lol. it hurt so bad and i was swearing in front of customers... its fine now though. well, i have to go and try to figure out my membership.

i am trying to do a reveiw site called "The Unforgiven Reveiws." if you'd like to help me get it up and running, leave me a gb message. thanks!

MY DOLL! thanks to my beaw! isnt she pretty? i dont like those wings... i may replace them or take them off! oh well! thank you for helping me, beaw! *KISH & HUGGLES*


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