
February 10, 2004 @ 12:35 p.m.
kelly is a damned liar

what i have done today; hmmmm. got up.... or rather.... dragged myself out of my warm comfy bed and into a hot shower where i almost fell on my ass... heh. then i came here to school here i fell asleep (yet again) in philosophy... oops. maybe his long voice makes me tired. i even went to bed early last night so that i wouldnt... and i did. hehehe. then i went to student services and changed my major.... looked into job with the UPS; great man! $8.50 per hour PLUS $1000 PER semester and health & dental benefits.... NIIIIICE. better than the lousy $6.25 i get now, with NO school benefits and lousy hours to top it off. and i dropped not one, but two classes. i found that my lovely whore bag of an english teacher went to wake tech and told them that i have not been attending classes... what a crock. i "attended" a few classes and was told that i would have to have microsoft word to turn in my projects and/or papers. i have a mac and my mom doesnt like microsoft. no biggie. besides, whats the big rush? i shouldnt take too many classes at once..... then i will just wind up failing them. i HATE school. i wish that i could just get on ith animation school... and not even bother with all of this nonsense; algebra and such. no one ever uses that crap anyway. its just another way for the US government to keep the citizens of america from wondering whats really going on around here. ugh. it makes me sick.

yeah, and next time someone tells me to forgive and forget, they might just get slapped. i tried to forgive kelly. i even went to her car place to get my car fixed. what does she say? that i need to buy a new altenator. and she makes absolutely sure to emphansize that it will cost me "two-hundred and fifty-one dollars and ten cents." PLUS labor. ugh. she lied. there was NOTHING AT ALL wrong with my damned altenator. nata. and when i asked the guy who fixed it if he was sure, he laughed and told me that i needed to stop going where-ever i have been going. i couldnt believe kelly. not only does she screw me over, but she actually goes after me and everything that i love, including my Bay, AND she tries to soak me for $300. a poor college kid. and then she goes to church every sunday and wednesday and sings about how "Christian" she is. what a load. it makes me scream inside. what is her goal? to ruin me? she used to tell me about how everyone in her family hated her.... why? i think that i can see it now. and i think that i can slightly agree with them.

i was also thinking of something this morning. i just remembered when i was about 5 and i asked collette if i could get some water after i brushed my teeth... she said no. she told me to go to bed. she wanted to get rid of me. what a wench. if i had EVER dared to tell ANY of my siblings that they couldnt have water, i'd've gotten shouted at. and probably grounded. she is so evil. ugh. she makes me sick.

for no i am going to shut up and go to sleep before i fall over.... ack! I LOVE YOU BEAW! *KISH!*


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