
April 08, 2003 @ 7:39 a.m.

*sigh,sigh,sigh* yeah. so this week is prom. i cant wait. bebe and i are going to stay at my house and then go to the after party. we dont want to go to the real prom. we asked around, and everyone that went last year said that it was just another lame dance, except the tickets are more expensive. so we're just going to stay at my house and have our own prom, with good music, a steak dinner, and cameras. besides, prom is just another way for all the rich greenhope yuppies to show off their money. bite me. but yeah... i am watching the "student council" right now on our television in the library. what are they even for??? well, i have to go! byebye!

*preventry* *nextentry*


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