
August 22, 2003 @ 1:30 p.m.
death by chocolate

i know, i know, i made an entry earlier... but i think that i am dying. i feel like i am in the middle of a crowded room screaming, and no one can hear me. i know that i am being a big fat baby, but i miss him! he has been the only one there for me for so long, and now he is 4 hours away. so far.... i keep telling myself that it could be worse, but i cant stop feeling sick. i pray all the time, but i just cry for the rest of the time. if i just had a cell phone. and he promised to make a diary for us.... i like the idea... when we get it, i will put the link up here. i want everyone to know him.... because he is my all. *sigh* i miss you baby. so much.

*preventry* *nextentry*


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