
August 25, 2003 @ 1:01 p.m.
cha cha

OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! geez! kelly is being such a bitch!!! i cant believe her, honestly!!! she is being extremely rude to me, all the time!!! last night i had my music up in my room and she came home and said, rather rudely, "you need to turn your music down NOW." i was like "well excuse me for livin!" shes turned out to be so RUDE! some freakin christian, eh? damn. this is why people hate people, because other people cant keep their comments to themselves. if she wanted me to turn it down, then all she had to do was ask nicely. what ever happened to good, old fashioned manners? sheesh. anyways, yes, i am about to whine about bay. I MISS HIM SO MUCH! i cant wait till we get our "our" diary up, and then i will put the link up here. *sigh* we talk every night, and email each other every chance we get. i am still a little shaken up about everything thathad to happen right now. and lily (my best girl- friend) cant believe kelly as well. i hope she says something. cause this has gotten horribly out of hand. i tried to bring my friend/brother, JJ, to church last night. he is gothic and was wearing a trench coat. people kept being rude and giving looks, so we left. him and i got a kitten yesterday. a little tabby girl. she is so cute! i want to name her munchkin, whiskas, or flick. he wants to name her "shiva." no. lol. bay promised to come and see her when he comes to visit me. I MISS HIM SO MUCH! but he is happy..... we both miss each other..... but we have to get through this. we will. i am getting a cell phone soon though! cant wait! well, i have to go and make my guestbook match my diary! bye! OH! and leave me a message if you drop by and read this! i love getting messages and love! ***I will have my "cast" link working soon! ^_^***

*preventry* *nextentry*


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