
August 27, 2003 @ 12:31 p.m.
naughty dice

OK, so kelly has yet to stop being so stupid. get this, last night she threw away the extension cord to the phone and now i cant talk on the phone in my room. while the "royal highness queen kelly" hets the luxury of lying in her king sized bed while chit chatting. i come home, and there is a ton of beer in the garbage can. my first impression? "wtf?!? ok, you wanna play hard ball? i'm game." i cant believe her! i was so mad, i could have spit fire. its like she has forgotten the world around her. you know what i think? i think that she is jealous of me. i can come up with no other conclusion. i mean, here i am, almost 20, with the greatest man on earth, graduated high school, and going to college. not married and in debt like she was at my age. married to a buttchunk. but making a future myself, with a great consideration for God. she's 40 and is just now doing all that. so what do i have to say about this? i think is is hilarious that she would do all this (the phone cord, kicking me out, being rude and stomping around the house like a fat hippo-crite baby, slamming doors and making rude comments) out of hatred and jealousy, and then claim that God would NEVER have approved of what i did. sleep over at my boyfriend's house. *snorts* first of all, all sins are the same. second of all, she is sinning a lot MORE than me, which DOES count, and last, if the worst thing that i have done in the last 9 months is sleep at my boyfrined's house without having sex or anything like that, then i have one thing to say to you. bite me. oh, and get a life; stop watching me so closely and improve yourself, kelly, because you definitely need it more than i do. so there. and btw, my theripist says that kelly sounds like the most RIGID person on earth and that she, too, should seek mental help or she will be miserable and lonely for the rest of her life. i agree.

in other news, i am going to get a cell phone soon! i cant wait because that means that i can talk to my monkey whenever i want. *dreamy sigh* he is coming to see me next weekend for my birthday (september 5th). i will be 20! yaya! and i have been reading this journal. i read it a few months ago and it was (and is cool). it is "raverkitty.diaryland.com" and you ought to check it out. and i think that kelly found my "strip dice." they are the ones that say an action on each side and a body part on the other, they are cloth and red and black. they were a gag gift to keith and i from ryan and aimee. so now she is being dumb about that. sheesh. that woman has no life. college is fun, i guess. i just miss my bebe terribly. and i am hungry all the time. lol. well, before i go off on another speil, i will go. byebye.

Kewl quote: "...in a world where what we want is only what we want until it's ours..."

*preventry* *nextentry*


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