
October 03, 2003 @ 1:56 p.m.
all the lies

*sigh* i just dont know anymore. i am hating life.... and i dont know what to do... i try to make like i am ok.... but i dunno. and everytime i think that i am going to spaz, my mom has to get up in my problems and make life seem a little worse.

i havent even mentioned kelly yet though, have i? well, about a week ago, i was saying that i thought this "kelly said, kelly said" shit was over, but boy was i wrong. it has only just begun. we all know that bay's mom is just looking for a reason to make keith and i go our seperate ways. well, she found one. she called kelly last weekend looking for bay, and kelly gets her fat ass on the phone and tells his mom that if she were her, she would not allow keith to date me because i am "trouble." so now i bet you keith's mom thinks that i am some kind of drug junkie or prostitute or something. trust me; she thinks that cars broken down on the side of the road are people dealing drugs. so now... ugh. i wish that she was logic, because a logic person would know that a drug dealer's car would start EVERY time you turned the key. i would not be worried about my car insurance and i would know that i have a place to live for the next 2 years.

as for kelly. i wish that her mouth would just stop working, and that all the lies pouring out would cause her to choke. i have HAD IT with her lies and her mouth. i dont know what to do.

i am also scared that keith has had it with me and my negativity. he doesnt seem to want to talk to me much. maybe its just me. maybe i am just being clingy, but i miss him so much.....

anyways, i am going to go now...

baby, i miss you, and i love you.

*preventry* *nextentry*


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