
October 06, 2003 @ 1:06 p.m.
stop swearing

SO! i have subjected myself to humiliation, once again. heh. i asked for a reveiw, which was something i SWORE that i would NEVER do. lol. whatever. i guess conforming isnt that bad... lol. yeah. i got 4 hours of sleep last night..... *yawn* bay and i stayed up talking till 4am, and then, just when i thought that maybe i could squeeze in 6 hours of sleep, my mom decides that the absolute BEST time to vacuum is at 8 in the morning. so you could imagine that i was not very happy when dragging my tail out of bed.

i am trying to stop swearing because it is very crude for a lady to have a foul mouth. it is also very unattractive.

so i quit my waitressing job on saturday. lol. that went well. they didnt care. i dont care if they dont. i am sorry but NO ONE treats me THAT badly for $2.13 per hour. i must think of words to replace my swear words:

F*CK= ACK! NO! KRUD! ARG! Buh-geezes!

D*MN= CRAP! You're kidding! .....

SH*T= shitake! AHH! POOP! POO! POOPY!

A*S= Butt. rump. rear end. boo-tay.

B*TCH= Kelly. (lol) i am not kidding.

i know, i am a nerd. lol. well then! i dont know what to say! i FINALLY understand my math that i have been trying to understand for the past week. and i have to write a psy paper and study for a psy test.... and i HAVE GOT to pry myself out of bed tomorrow morning and GO TO ENGLISH. i know this is short, but i am actually getting addicted to these quizzes on quizilla. lol. i want to do some more before my next class. ^_^

*preventry* *nextentry*


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