
October 23, 2003 @ 9:50 p.m.
new ideas!!! YAY!

hello. i have the most traumatic mood swings, do i not? eesh. i am talking on the phone with my bay. he ish such a mankey. oh well. i dropped psychology at the request of my therapist; she says that its killing my stress meter. and also, bay helped me find a motivation for my stories' bad people!!! long story... heh. ugh. i have missed a week of school, and i am now pissed to know that my high school counselors jipped me out of a lot of financial aid. UGH. i walked into that office and asked those idiots for help and they told me to get a fafsa form. thats all. and now i am seeing that i could have gotten alot more. to help me live.

also, lily has yet to call or write me, so i have decided that she is not worth being friends with. how uncool is that??? oh well.

lets see..... what else has happened in my life..... i am sorry but i just cannot stop ranting about this!!! i am SO HAPPY that bay has helped me with that part of the story. i am definitely putting his name right next to mine if this ever becomes famous. it has taken me forever to nail down a reason for the Kxi force (like i said, you have to go to the "my story" link to get what i am talking about.) to hate the Jukhei so much, and i didnt want the reason to be the same old "money" and/ or "power" shcemes. that gets old after a while. i am thinking of creating anime volumes for the story!!! like sailor moon, chobits, love hina, etc. i am so excited! i hope he comes up with more!!!

i feel so clean! once a week i hop into the bathtub and give myself a "spa treatment." this is where, instead of the daily shower, i shave with beautiful feeling shaving cream, relax in a bubble bath, do my nails, and do the face treatment stuff (mud mask, etc.). its great. then afterwards i put caress berry fusion lotion on and walk around in my nightgown. most girls probably do this everyday, but i am kind of a tomboy ^_^. still. i dont think i will ever grow up. lol.

i love that "ultimate dolls" site! its really cool! and i am now making it a requirment for members of the sisterhood to have one that represents them. it makes me so happy! YAYA! well i have to go because bay says that i need to do my homework (which i do) ^_^. so i have to go now! byebye!


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