
November 12, 2003 @ 11:06 a.m.

WHEW! i got my paycheck to the bank that way that check for my winter coat wont bounce. *sigh of relief* i also made a new diaryring! its called "lipglossrox, and it has an awesome graphic snippet that i designed and bay helped me get the html right. lol it took a while. its cute though. if you want to see it, click here. its the one with the *surprise, surprise* lipgloss. lol. if you want to join, go here. i want lots of people to join, so please do. i also made a sisterhood that is exclusive because i want only people who are truely dedicated to join. you can look into that here. i really want people to join.

i showed my mom my "ultimate doll" today (go here to see that.) shes very rainbowy because she represents me, and i love rainbows and ravers. my mom was like "you could sell that to a lot of dykes." i was like, "mom! dont say that!" and she was like "theres nothing wrong with that." she actually meant that. i couldnt believe her. and then she said that i have problems (and then ofcourse the "DONT TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!!!"). i was like yeah, and when you say the word "dyke" in front of a gay female, you are going to be the one with problems because she will be kicking your ass. i mean, i am not gay, and i do not agree with the life style (i have problems of my own to deal with before i go babbling about others' problems), but i certainly do not believe in gay bashing. i have alot of gay friends, and its just not cool to say rude things like that. and its not very classy at ALL. if you dont have anything nice to say, then dont say anything at all. or get a diary like this one and let all the meanness out here.

i also went to the gynocologist today, and i came out feeling rather violated. i mean, nothing happened, but i just didnt like it; it was very uncomfortable. you know? a total stranger, poking around... ugh. oh well. its all good now. *whew* i feel like dancing. well. i miss my beaw, and i love my beaw! XOXOX <---to beaw!!! i have to go! byebye!

Here are some pics of me and my bear!

This is my baby on the phone! isnt he the hottest thing in the world??? REOW! *ilove ya beaw!*

This is me! Yaya!

OK, this reminds me so much of this one weekend when bay was SO hyper, and i was pmsing and he was just driving me nuts; but i love him!!! lol *kish*

This is SO cute!!! teeheehee!

This my raver me doll, with the new wings!

This my GOTH me doll! yay!



*preventry* *nextentry*


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