
December 05, 2003 @ 8:37 a.m.
damned horns

AHHHHHHHH! i cant believe this! i would hate to sound like an old grandma, but MY GOSH! what is this world coming to??? so i am sleeping right? already having a hard enough time doing this because i have to pee every two hours... i dunno why. its happened before. *sigh* anyways, at approximately 7:15 am, a car pulls up, as it does every weekday morning and blows her horn (i live in an apartment complex- a small one) until the kid she is giving a ride comes out. i have college exams today and am usually waking up until 9:30. i get pissed and call the company that she is with and complain about it, telling them that some people in this world do not get up at the crack of dawn. do you know what the wench said to me?

her: well, its city ordinance that after 6 am (who the heck gets up at 6 am?!?) you can honk your horn.
me: well in OUR apartments we have a rule against inconsideracy, and your people are being inconsiderate.
her: i dont care about your apartment rules. besides, i highly doubt that there is a rule against honking.
me: i said BEING INCOSIDERATE, not blowing the horn. i have exams today and i pay rent. what you are saying is that you have more of a right to blow your horn than i have a right to sleep.
her: its not a matter of rights, it is a matter of trying to get that kid outside.
me: well if he cant be out there when he is supposed to, then leave him.
her: we cant do that. we have to let him know that we are there.
me: well that is not my problem.

CAN U BELIEVE THAT??? ugh. when people have more of a right to be obnoxious than i have a right to sleep, the world has a problem. i am so tired. i am going to go try and get a bit of sleep. maybe no idiot will honk. *yawn*

*preventry* *nextentry*


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