
December 07, 2003 @ 11:46 a.m.
life is funny

hello peole. how do you like my new layout? i am so proud. i drew the girls. i hope that now i can be a bee at the quilting bee. i mean, the layout is original. AND IF ANYONE STEALS IT THEY WILL DIE. *sparkle* i wonder. i dont know if i could live without the internet. i am always on it. from the time i wake to the time i sleep. yeah, yeah, i have no life, but hey, at least i am not out being stupid. the one thing is that i havent been doing my reviews and i dont want to screw up. i could be doing them now. lol. i am also proud to say that i now posess all of the sailor moon novels except # 5& 6. i spent $120 on them.... and now i feel like crap. lalala. yeah... i am bored. i have to work tonight with tasha. i hope that she chooses to NOT be a bitch, b/c i REALLY do not feel like dealing with it. *sigh* you know what? i should be doing my MLA take home test. i also wanna upload some more drawings.

i was looking at the goth picture from last halloween, and it depressed me. all the people in that picture have become drunks. or assholes. or smokers. sad to say, ryan is even drinking now..... what do i say to that? the thing with him is that his dad is a drunk and he swore not to be one, but yet he is. i try to tell myself that i shouldnt be upset... i went through a point where i was a party-whore too, but it still hurts to see the people that you once looked up to become idiots. slowly. i hate it. it hurts so bad. and bay is very disappointed as well. what do you say to that? i myself just turn my head and walk away. i just wish people werent so fake. people will do anything to fit in, or get away. whichever.... why do people long to fit in? and you can get away without all of the drugs and alcohol. more than anything, i hate the idiots that they are hanging out with. i wish theyd move away. its fine if you wanna screw up your life, but please, for God's sake, dont take others down with you. esp. those who are doing well. *sigh* well, i guess that i will go find something to do. you whats funny? when i didnt have a car, wanted to go everywhere, but now that i do, i just sit here on the internet. funny how that works. here is another drawing. i am not sure about her name yet.

she rocks right?

I just wanted to say thank you to my bay who did alot of work and put up with me to get my template to look like i wanted it to.... THANKIES, MY SWEET BAY-BEAW! *KISH* If it wasnt for him, it would be in the least like i wanted it! I LOVE YOU BAY! *KISH & HUGGLES!*

*preventry* *nextentry*


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