
January 13, 2004 @ 11:38 a.m.
damned racists

.... ugh. i try not to crack on other people, but this has GOT to be the dumbest thing i have ever read. i was taking a survey and i decided to look at other people's answers just for the fun of it... here goes...

Not a bright answer to this question:

Q:Do you believe women have the right to decide whether or not to kill their potential baby? Explain.
A:Yes, because its only a potential baby. It hasn't been born yet. Its kind of like eating an egg. A baby chick could have been born (yes I know the eggs we eat are not fertalized but still) But we ate it anyways.

i was so astounded that people are actually so dumb as to believe that eating an UNFERTALIZED chicken egg is the same as having an abortion. that is kind of like saying that every time we have a period, we are aborting a child. had the chicken's egg actually been fertalized, then when you had cracked it a baby chick would have fallen out. in other words:
*a chicken laying an unfertalized egg is a chicken's version of a period and the egg HAS NOT been fertalized by sperm.
*a human aborting a child is like taking a hen's fertalized egg and smashing it into the ground. abortion= murder.

i mean, dont get me wrong, i think everyone should be entitled to their own opinion, but that doesnt mean that their opinion is right.

i noticed something today. i love black people and all, but sometimes i get really sick of their racial comments towards me like "hey white girl." or how they claim that everyone is racist towards them, but yet i work around ALL the black people in the freaking south, and they treat me like shit because i am white. why can they be racist and i cant? not that i want to be, but if white people cant be racist, why the hell can they? thats not fair. i am so sick of tasha treating me like shit b/c i am a "white girl." so the fuck what. anyone shallow enough to hate me b/c i am white, or hate someone b/c they are black, or hate someone b/c of the color of their skin in general ought to be taken to a mental institution. honestly.

A few cool links...
this one is cool; a girl who writes fanfic; get it here! also, a really funny thing, considering the fact that this page drives me insane!!!; hahaha!


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