
January 23, 2004 @ 12:45 a.m.
sucky reveiws... lol

kelly, i have to tell you; now i know why reviewing sucks. they rip you apart and make you feel like shit if you dont write about what THEY want you to write about. let me show you:

Username: (1/3) I have never heard of a zen kitten.
what does THAT have to do with anything? isnt that good? it means that I AM ORIGINAL and YOU like to copy people. if you had heard of it, would i have gotten a higher score?)

Title: (0/3) Did you just pluck that one out of the sky? (No pun intended.)
no, dumbass, i 'plucked' it out of my brain. did you 'pluck' "everwood" out of the conformist approved tv???

First Impression: (5/5) Gives viewers a chance to see your creative side.

Layout: (8/10) Dull colors. Dead message. Original drawings by you. Nice effort.
black, white and grey went with the drawings. if you must know, i eyedropped those colors and that color scheme from photoshop; they came from the ink of the pen i was using to draw the girls. very original if you ask me. like to see you muster up some brains to do that, miss thang. oh but copying others is more your style, isnt it?

Navigation: (3/5) Learn to archive. Change your fonts on the older entries page.
why? i like my fonts AND my older entry page just the way they are, thank you very much. :P

Contact: (4/4) Could be contacted if needed.
bless your pointed little heart. shall i kiss your feet now, or later?

Updates: (2/5) Few times a week at the most.
in the words of kelly; "i DO have a life outside my computer. do you? wank wank wank."

Content: (0/40) Don�t even tell me you thought any of these were funny.(my reply: yes as a matter of fact i did.) The first entry I read made me want to puke all over my keyboard. (please dont do that, you idiot, it will ruin you keyboard and you will have to buy a new one.) My God! Pull your self together!! Why did you even ask for a review?(i know right? i thought i was being judged on my creativity and detail. apparently it was judgement day for ME. my bad.) Just go back and read the last paragraph of this entry. No one wants to read that shit. (well if they dont want to read it then... they could always... leave... right? i mean this is MY journal for MY feelings. frankly, i dont give a shit if anyone wants to read that 'shit' or not; they have the option to leave) Get real. I try to be nice while doing these reviews, (no you dont. i have read others and you are just a nit picky whore bitch. if a diary isnt perfectly to your liking, you tear it up from the inside out) but I�m sick of seeing the same crap over and over again. (and you are a diary reviewer??? what do you want? javascript on every page? whats the difference; you dont even know what javascript is, you idiot. and FYI, keith loved it. wench. just b/c you dont get it doesnt make it lame.)So, I�ll sum up your diary. You talk about your other websites(when?), obsess over Keith(what? by saying that i love him b/c he reads this everyday? damn, who are you, satan embodied???), write letters to people(yeah, about 3 or 4 out of how many entries???), complain about stupid things, and whine. (isnt that what a diary is for? not all of our lives are bowls of cherries, you know... and if you call being happy about my love for keith "obsessing," then you need to re-evaluate your loving capabilities.)Get over your self!( i never knew i needed to do that. MAYBE you should take your own advice. how about that... lol.) Here is an example of everything I just said thrown in to one entry. (did you read the disclaimer? you should. btw, "into" is one word, not two.)

yep. them be emotions. lol. i happen to "liek" that song muy mucho, puta.

Extras: (5/5) A whole lot of links.

Errors: (1/5) Numbers that scroll across the top when each page loads.(thats called JAVASCRIPT blondie. get with it. geez. i thought you were sick of seeing the same old shit?) Lack of capitalization. Use of shorthand.
is that bad.... i didnt know that YOU were perfect. lol. besides, i have BETTER things to do then to make my journal grammer PERFECT. you got the point, correct? lol. isnt that the main goal?

Star Rating: (1/5) *
is this a resturaunt? it sure doesnt look like one to me... lol.

Favorite Entry: You�re kidding me.
nope. i wasnt.

Review by: KiKi

QUICK!!! let me go cry. lol. that was awful... was it not... oh well. i wont get another reveiw. now i know how kitty-kaboom aka kelly felt. I AM SORRY KELLY! i thought that when you submitted a reveiw, you did it to get some to critique your originality, not rip you apart b/c you say what you feel. RE-OW! oh, that was by everwoodrevu. they suck. she is really mean. i am serious. i looked over some of her other reveiws. they are really mean... not TRUTHFUL, as she claims to be, but MEAN. and she never lets anyone see her diary. maybe she is jealous b/c she is too stupid to figure it out.... she probably cant even read. lol. she doesnt know what javascript is. pfft.

well, in other news, keith and i are on a break. i am depressed... VERY depressed, but i feel like it needs to happen..... i really do.... but it hurts me all over... all over...... i jsut... i am so confused.... and i dont want to hurt him..... God i dont. i have to go before i start crying again. *sigh* bye for now.....

*preventry* *nextentry*


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