
February 07, 2004 @ 9:29 p.m.
goal: blacklisted

so my lovely reveiwer decided to go and turn me into a "blacklist." what a bunch of bull. i wonder if they even read the reveiw that BASH me and my diary. i didnt ask to be bashed, i asked for constructive critizism. what i got was a blatant low blow to every one of my feelings and emotions that i have been trying to let out for a bit. so what did i have to say to that? first, i went to the blacklist and left them a little note, seeing that they dont even ask for BOTH sides of the story. they just took "Kiki's" word for it. did they read the reveiw she gave me? did they even ask if i had apoligized to everwoodrevu for spamming their guestbook??? no, they simply assumed that "Kiki" was being truthful. and what is the saying about that? ASSUME= ass + u + me= assuming makes an ass out of you and me. so i left a little message in their guestbook, and it is here:

you know what? why dont you read what she wrote about me. she did NOT give me constructive critism; she BASHED me and every word of my diary. a diary is MEANT to have things in it such and dedications, feelings, and MY emotions, and she bashed me. i didnt do that out of malice because of MY reveiw alone; i wasnt lazy like most people, i actually went out of my way and read some of this girls other reveiws; they were mostly horrible! they were simply telling people how pathetic they are and how stupid they are. THAT, my friend, is NOT reveiwing. its bashing. and it is MEAN. take this for example; "So, I�ll sum up your diary. You talk about your other websites, obsess over Keith, write letters to people, complain about stupid things, and whine. Get over your self! Here is an example of everything I just said thrown in to one entry. " THAT is a reveiw?!? no! it was just being mean. so before you go being a pompous bunch of airheads, why dont you research your crap before you up and put someone's name and reputation in a bad light. i was defending myself. is THAT against the laws of diaryland? i think not.

ps- did you even bother to find out that i said i was sorry about being immature, but i felt as if "kiki" was not giving constructive critizism, but she was being mean? i didnt think so.

Saturday, February 7th 2004 - 06:14:56 PM

oh, and i know that they are going to read this and try to comment on it so i want to say this to them;

go here for the "reveiw" aka "verbal beating" i was given, and then ask ME how i felt about it. and then MAYBE you can say that you agree or disagree. you are being SO one-sided, and it is not fair. also, it looks like to me that this site is for whiners who are NEVER satisfied. i was bashed, not reveiwed. i think that you should also make a page for really AWFUL reveiwers, or are you too biased to do that?

yeah, i also noticed how "kiki" kept bitching about how "all i ever do is complain." well, take a look at this. seems that this poor girl is too happy, eh? wow! it appears that "kiki" is just NEVER freakin satisfied. and yet again, she bashed, not only her diary, but her RELIGION as well. screw THAT. she had NO RIGHT to do that. so yeah, why dont you go and get your facts straight before you go around bashing people, hm?

and for all you onlookers, here is "kiki's" email address that she is so trying to hide: [email protected]...... how very original.

*preventry* *nextentry*


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