
February 19, 2004 @ 11:34 p.m.

i try to be your friend, i try to trust you and who you are.... i want to be your friend.... i want a REAL friend..... yes.... i really do. but how can i if i cant trust you?

i find it highly amusing that you couldnt even ASK your dad if you could hang out with me, but yet you managed to arrive at work around 3 (2 hours before actually working) to be with your signifigant other. dont even try to talk your way out of it. i know what happened. i know that you said that i was putting you in a "bad position" because i wanted you to ask your dad if you could hang out with me, but yet somehow, you MADE time and RECIEVED permission (somehow) to be with him. hun, if you wanted to hang with him, all you had to do was tell me that. i would not have been angry. but now i am. now that i have been ditched and then lied to. i DO NOT like being lied to. you say that you are not trying to screw our friendship up, you say that "you cant help the fact that you dad is so anal," but yet you lied to me. that really hurt. when i put my trust and friendship into something, i give it all i have. and by you lying, it really hurt me...... i want you to be with him.... i really do. i am really happy for you... but please do not ditch me for him. if you had plans, tell me. i wont get mad. i will get mad when you try to put me on a guilt trip for being upset with your dad and his weird ways, and then you somehow end up at work 2 hours early to be with him. you are my best (girl) friend, and i really want to know why you did that, b/c i am hurt. i dont want anymore false friends.

and you KNOW that i do not mind giving you rides, but when you have not called nor have you talked to me in a few days, and then all of a sudden i get a call and it is for a ride, i am going to wonder. and please do not just assume that i can give you a ride; you have to ask ahead of time. usually when keith is in town, i want to spend all the time i can with him b/c i only get to see him MAYBE 6 days out of every month. keep that in mind...

i am still your best friend.... but please tell me why you did that... i dont understand why you would do that.

yours, jamie


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