
February 22, 2004 @ 11:14 a.m.
decisions, decisions

*sigh* so life is life right now. as usual. i have not yet studied for my religion test... heh. i went to look at a room-for-rent yesterday. it was great! beautiful, too. out in the boonies with no rude cary people to be annoying and snotty. trust me when i say that snottiness will get you absolutely nowhere with me. the lady, michelle, was really nice and has three dogs; honey, sugar, and todo. she is obsessed with waterfalls and she designs and makes wedding gowns. it that perfect or what? now here is the MAJOR problem; she lives 30 miles away from where i work. THAT sucks. i have had much better hours lately and i got a raise. i have been getting along with everyone there..... i do not want to quit. but do you have any idea how much wear and tear that is going to put on my car??? its better than nothing i suppose. so that means that i must light a fire under my mom's ass. or else she is going to get mad if i just leave without helping her get all of her junk out. but i dont have time to help her go through EVERY thing in that closet of hers. moving is so complicated.

so when jessica found out how far away it is, she offered for me to stay at her place... it sounds good and all, but her dad..... he isnt going to like the fact that... well, i am who i am. my baby stays with me every other weekend, and in the summer he and i have made arrangements for him to come up and stay with me for a week every other week. and jess didnt like the sound of that either. at least she said her dad wouldnt. but by no means am i going to tell keith that he has to leave. hell no. that wouldnt be cool at all. so i am thinking not. and what about all my furniture? i have a couch, a dinette set, and a washer and dryer that i am not willing to get rid of. and i just dont know if i want to live around little kids all of the time.

michelle, however, offered a place to store all that stuff and has NO kids. *whew*

what do you guys think?

i am also fearful that jess and i wouldnt be best-friends after living together. thats just how life works. you think that it is going to be all fun, but it isnt. as a matter of fact, its NOT all fun. *sigh* what to do, what to do...

anywho, i must go study for that hideous test coming up... heh. bye now...


*preventry* *nextentry*


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