
February 26, 2004 @ 2:10 a.m.
post pms

heh. ok so everything between jess and i is good again. yeah. i, er, went to the doctor.... got poked with a needle.... yay. they drew my blood and now i have a bruise b/c i didnt hold down the bandage like i am supposed to...

i miss bay so much..... i am so lonely. that woman (michelle) with the room wouldnt call me back, so i called her. she said that someone else called about it so she is going to decide who she likes best. in other words, no. hm. i wonder what that will lead up to. perhaps living w/ jess which would be kinda cool. i am just so scared... thats all. i have to have my budget fitted. everyone says that i am being unrealistic, but in actuality, i am being very realistic; either i fit my budget or i live on the streets. that is realistic to me, no? i cant just say that i want to live in a $400 a month apartment and not have the money. then what? i was talking to bay last night about depressed people (like me). he said that he read in a text book that depressed people tend to have a more realistic veiw of the world. i dont doubt it.

::pause:: i have to pee. ::unpause:: back.

lol. sorry i am bored and had to put that in there. wanna see something cute? well, if you dont, too bad!

HOW VERY CUTE! you know it is... lol....

ok. lets see, yesterday i went to the mall with janet and i got some smelly stuff; EXPENSIVE smelly stuff. lets see, we went to the mall first and we both got some sweet pea body cream (its like lotion except it is oil based whereas lotion is waterbased; oil is always better ^_~) and we managed to find little bottles of it so that we didnt have to spend so much on it... but it smells SO GOOD! and then we went to candleman's and i got some tarts; i got baby powder, coconut bay, and then "clean cotton" which i LOVE, and also a beach candle that smells kinda like cocoa butter. not to mention, now janet is worried about my strange obsession with smelling good... lol. then we went to target and i bought strawberry-banana starburst lipbalm and some lipliner, and avoided buying lotion... more lotion, that is... lol. then i bought "coyote ugly" the VHS, and now i am happy. lol. i wanted to buy a lot more than that but i figured that i wouldnt. heh. low on cash= blah.

yeah, some guy came into work today that smelled like his LEAST favorite thing was deodorent... ugh. i tried not to breath it in, but i had to. THAT is why i want to smell good. i dont EVER want to smell like that. YES JESSICA, i AM a female... :P so there... :P lol.

i read chris's journal today.... he thinks a lot. i am scared to say that he is really deep b/c then bay will get jealous, even though i WILL ALWAYS KNOW that HE (BAY) is the deepest and most intellectual person i will ever know. even if he watches the dumbest things on earth, i know that he does it b/c it actually has deeper meaning to it then a lot of shit on tv nowadays. hes so smart. i love 'em so much...

oh! he has his toysite up! lol. he is improving it day by day, but if it is anything like his JOURNAL, it may never be thought of again... ::cries:: wanna see? go here. well, i am tired.... night.



JOIN! IT FREAKIN ROCKS... LOL. love the squirrel..... he is so cute... lol

you know you want to.

*preventry* *nextentry*


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