
August 10, 2003 @ 12:44 a.m.
Justice in America...... what justice?

I hate this thing! i cant do anything and i do NOT feel like explaining it. ugh. and i met a good friend online! her name is melissa. me and her are like twins, i swear. keith and i are getting an online blog to update when we are at college...... *sigh* i am still so depressed about that. i know, i know.... i keep moaning about it, but i am really getting unhinged by this whole thing.

lol. went to a store and the mall with keith, and then went to work. my thoughts? ok. if i owned a bar, and someone came to it and got drunk and then went driving (what a dumb%!#) afterwards, got in a wreck and seriously injured someone and himself, he and the victim could sue me. because some idiot decides to break the law, on his own free will, EYE would get sued?!? yes, this america, the land of the free. and the home of the whiners. *adopts a mocking tone* "whaaaa! my kid ate too much McDonald's and now hes fat! i am suing McDonald's for Making my kid gorge himself! whaaa!" (shes the one who bought it for him.... der) or "OMG! i spilled hot COFFEE (COFFEE IS HOT BLONDIE!) on myself, and now i am suing!" booey-frickin hooey. wipe it up and get on with your life. even sue someone if you are a doink and get hurt on their property. so if i am goofing off and happen to trip and fall, i can sue walmart because that sidewalk didnt move. ooooh yeah. ITS A FREAKIN OBJECT! and how about this (this will blow your mind!); if you own a trampoline, you would need insurance for it. your kids cant sue you (yet) but if someone that you do not know climbs your fence and jumps on it with out your knowledge and they get hurt they can somehow, someway, sue you. wow. america is just....... so very. i will not disagree with that at all. america is just to criminals. liars, trespassers, muderers, rapists, and child molesters; inmates have more rights then students do. isnt that scary? ugh. anyways.... enough of my ranting. i am tired. good night.

*preventry* *nextentry*


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